Cari tutti,
numerosissime sono le iniziative ed i progetti che si accavallano sui Corpi Civili di Pace. In ambito europeo ne circolano almeno tre, due di queste comprendono anche l'elemento della protezione civile. Abbiamo voluto mettere a confronto i vari interlocutori (Consiglio, Commissione, Parlamento e ONG) per vedere se si riesce a giungere ad un progetto comune. Di seguito trovate un primo programma. Siete i benvenuti. Sará un confronto serrato e speriamo fruttuoso. Il seminario si svolge solo in inglese ed il numero di posti della sala è limitato. Se qualcuno di voi fosse interessato è pregato di farsi vivo quanto prima. Ciao,
Paolo Bergamaschi

(preliminary) invitation for the conference

European Parliament, Brussels, Tuesday, March 15th,
9.00-12.30, room ASP AE1-1

Dear friend and colleague,

You are most cordially invited to this latest in the series of Green/EFA conferences on EU civil crisis prevention and management. Since the European Parliament adopted the concept for a European Civil Peace Corps and now that the European Commission has proposed its new concept for a humanitarian crisis response force, it is high time to take stock of the current capabilities of the EU in civil crisis intervention, to bring together all the proposals, and to define an agenda for action for the way ahead.

The programme for the day is as follows:
8.30 - 9.00
welcome and registration

9.00 - 9.30
general introduction by Joost Lagendijk (MEP)
introduction by Angelika Beer (MEP) on the specific German advanced position in this issue.

9.30 - 12.00
a panel of diplomats and civil society specialists will present their views and agenda for action:
Dr.Winrich Kühne - Centre for International Peace Services
Tom Köller - First Secretary of the Permanent Representation of Luxemburg at the European Union.
Alexander McLachlan - European Commission DG Relex, Unit Conflict Prevention/Crisis Management
Tim Wallis - International Non Violent Peace Force
Mary Kaldor/Marlies Glasius (tbc) - Human Security Doctrine Study Group
introductions followed by a lively debate with the audience.
session to be chaired by Raul Rueda Romeva (MEP)

12.00 - 12.30
conclusion and recommendation for the next steps forward by Angelika Beer (MEP)

* * *

information and registration (please specify name, organisation name and address, email, phone, fax) to:, phone: 02-2843613) - advance registration is necessary, as the room is limited of size, priority will be given to professional actors on the issue who can stay for the whole conference, please specify
languages to be used: english only