- Wed 14 - The Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned the killing in a statement … Egypt has withdrawn its ambassador in Tel Aviv as the country reacted to renewed Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip … according to the statement, "should be aware that the change witnessed in the Arab region, especially in Egypt, will not allow placing the Palestinian people under the Israeli aggression as was in the past." - Nov 15 - prompted the UN Security Council to call an emergency meeting Wednesday in which the US strongly defended Israel's response. - 15 Nov - New York - Il Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu si e' riunito d'urgenza a New York per cercare di contrastare l'escalation di violenze in atto sulla striscia di Gaza. Al termine, nessuna dichiarazione formale ma una ferma esortazione a cessare le ostilita'. Poco prima, Obama ha telefonato a Netanyahu e a Morsi, condannando i razzi di Hamas e riaffermando il diritto di Israele all'autodifesa. L'Anp all'Onu denuncia ''attacchi brutali, inumani''.

DEBKAfile -  Nov 15  - Three Israelis were killed in Kiryat Malachi by a rocket from Gaza Thursday morning, Nov. 15. By then, 120 rockets – mostly targeting the major towns of Beersheba and Ashdod, but also smaller locations – had been fired followed the killing of Hamas's chief Ahmed Jabari.  - 15 Nov - Israeli airstrike, naval gunboats and tanks carried on through dawn in southern Gaza Strip on Thursday morning killing three Palestinians and leaving many injured … Egypt recalled its ambassador Wednesday in response to the Israeli military operation … In a closed-door meeting of the U.N. Council on Wednesday night, Palestine's U.N. Ambassador Riyad Mansour said Israel is “vulgarly and publicly boasting about its willful killing of Palestinians” … Rice told the council: “Israel, like any nation, has the right to defend itself against such vicious attacks.” … "I was sitting on my bed with my grandson when suddenly the wall collapsed on both of our heads," said Mahmoud Bana, a 62-year-old man who was slightly wounded along with his 11-year-old grandson. "We don't know what happened but we know it is going to be a few hard days ahead."  - 15 Nov - Netanyahu said: "Today we sent a clear message to Hamas and other terrorist organisations, and if it becomes necessary we are prepared to expand the operation … Al Jazeera's Nadim Baba, reporting from Gaza, said: "In the last 30 seconds there was another big blast. [The strikes] have been going on all evening. "It is not just air strikes, but also strikes from Israeli naval ships just off the coast of Gaza."