Ven, 09/03/2012 - 07:36

UN : Hunger Strike Day 16 update

Shingza Rinpoche (32) has lost 10 kgs, Dorjee Gyalpo (59) and Yeshi Tenzing (39) has lost 7 kgs each. The fast has weakened the bodies of the TYC 3 and is clearly visible in their movement and speech.Rinpoche, normally very active but has slowed considerably in His walks and movement.Dorjee Gyalpo , normally a very healthy man is now assisted when getting in and out of van and Yeshi Tenzing la who breaks out in boisterous laughs can now muster only a faint smile.But the determination of the TYC 3 is as strong as ever. "We are ready to go as long as it takes to get a response from the United Nations on our 5 point appeals. If the UN do not take the responsibilities to sincerely uphold the universal fundamental rights of every human beings including Tibetans, it becomes willing accomplices to China’s inhumane crimes towards Tibetans. If the UN do not take immediate actions to help douse the burning flames inside Tibet, UN becomes accountable to every growing casualty within the Tibetan population. So the ball is definitely in the court of the United Nations", says Shingza Rinpoche.

"All Tibetans and Tibet supporters needs to write, call, email and fax the UN and the leaders in your respective countries for concrete support for the Tibetan people and not just words of sympathy. As President Bush once said, 'either you are with us or against us', so the time has come for the UN and world leaders to decide whether they are on the side of peace loving Tibetan people or the most dictatorial Communist Chinese regime in Tibet", added Dorjee Gyalpo.

"Tibetan precious self-immolations inside Tibet calls for every single Tibetan in the free world to do their part. We can never let their sacrifices go in vain. We will fulfill their aspirations of returning His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and reunion of all Tibetans in an Independent Tibet even at the cost of our lives", murmurs Yeshi Tenzing.
