Add your support to Tibetan Independence Day with few simple, yet important,  online actions.

We ask that you kindly email a link providing facts on the independent status of Tibet to your Senator, Member of European Parliament or if in Britain to your Member of Parliament.
26 gennaio 2013

Support Tibetan Solidarity Day & Shout It Loud To Your Representative

In 1913 Chinese forces were expelled from Tibet, the 13th Dalai Lama issued a proclamation reaffirming Tibet as an independent nation, a century later and many Tibetans find themselves exiled, while inside occupied Tibet China’s violent and illegal occupation of that land continues. So too does the resistance and we are asking folks to support Tibet’s true cause by reminding the political establishment of Tibet’s independence, which remains under international law intact and recognized.

European Union

1.Email/contact information for your representative can be found here:

Click on the map to find MEPs for your country then select name to show email address on the right of the page

2. Then email her/him the following link:

3.  Inform them that February 13 is Tibetan Independence Day and that enclosed is a link providing details of Tibet’s independence.
