March 10 2013
63rd Years Of Tibetan Resistance To China’s Tyranny
Support the Tibetan people’s resistance to China’s tyranny by taking part in the online Lobby of Members of the European Parliament, Your action will help ensure that the political hopes of Tibetans for a free and independent Tibet is heard within the European Parliament. - March 6 - A partire da quest'anno, il 10 marzo, Giornata Nazionale della rivolta tibetana, sarà anche osservato come Giornata del Martire Tibetano. La decisione di osservare formalmente il giorno del martire per commemorare i sacrifici fatti dai tibetani dentro e fuori il Tibet è stato approvato all'unanimità durante la seconda Assemblea straordinaria del popolo tibetano del settembre 2012.
March 4, 2013

1) Get the email address of your MEP here:;jsessio-nid=D1DC5E92E78FCF537E6C2E9D748309C0.node1

As Tibetans continue to struggle for their nation’s freedom and cultural survival, it as important to call upon both Members of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to recognize the political aspirations of the Tibetan people.


1) Please email your MEP

Request them to submit the following, as a written question to: Catherine Ashton,High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Will the High Representative acknowledge that Tibetans inside Tibet, in their ongoing resistance to Chinese occupation, are demanding independence for Tibet?
