Mer, 30/09/2015


Solidarity with TYC Hunger-Strikers

By Tibetan National Congress


It has been 19 days since three executive board members of the Tibetan Youth Congress’ Centrex have been on an indefinite hunger-strike in New Delhi, India, to bring attention to the horrific conditions inside Tibet.If you’ve had a chance to observe their photos and videos, you will notice the tremendous amount of strain their bodies are going through.It is impossible not to feel a deep sense of gratitude and admiration for the selfless sacrifice by these brave patriots.Day by day, as throngs of well-wishers and concerned citizens, both lay and high profile, visit them to pay their respect, we must also understand their stance and respect their determination and vision for a free Tibet.

Like our brave martyrs inside Tibet whose sacrifice and rock like determination even under the harsh colonial rule, Tsewang Dolmala, Tamding Hrichoela and Tenzin Wangchukla are showing China and the world that the Tibetan issue will not disappear until justice has been achieved. Their courage and sacrifice is an inspiration to freedom loving people everywhere, and showcases that freedom is an inherent part of human existence and no power on earth can keep a population under oppression forever -- whether it takes a hundred years or a thousand, Tibet will be free.

Tibetan National Congress joins hands with all well-wishers, individuals and organizations, Tibetans and non-Tibetans, and applaud these three brave compatriots for their sacrifice for Tibet. We will continue to keep them in our prayers and support them in any way possible.

Bhod Gyalo!
