Prevenzione, Trasformazione e Gestione Civile dei Conflitti nelle strategie delle Organizzazioni Internazionali.
di Davide Berruti e Alessandro Rossi
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SITI WEB ISTITUZIONALI <> : Council of Europe - Common Foreign and Security Policy <> : OSCE : European Commission office for civilian crisis management European Commission office for conflict prevention EU Stability Pact for SouthEastern Europe UN Development Programme UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations OECD
SITI WEB INDIPENDENTI <> European Network for Civil Peace Services Site developed by Reuters with latest report from the field. :IPT - International Civilian Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Training Course, Stadtschlaining (Austria). Organised by the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) : Alert-net - information services for NGO German high quality research center con conflict management issues. Research Unit Bonn, with an online archive of more than 800 organizations on peace research and training all over the world : European resources on mediation <>: Center for European Security and Disarmement Conflict Research Consortium - University of Colorado, USA : the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation Conciliation Resources the Conflict Resolution Information Source World at War, database on wars in the world :Network for research and action for peace, directede by Johan Galtung Forum on Early Warning and Early Response.
SITI WEB SULLA NONVIOLENZA ONG conducting policy-orientated research and advocacy aimed at promoting sustainable peace. <> :International Peace Academy International Conflict Initiatives Clearinghouse (ICIC), Website to exchange info among mediators, activists, etc. Life and Peace Insitute: ricerca e azione nel campo della trasformazione nonviolenta dei conflitti <> :Committee for Conflict Transformation Support (CCTS), Movimento Internazionale per la Riconciliazione - Alkmaar (Olanda) :trainings on microconflicts : Canada's Source for Conlict Resolution Connections, Informations and Resources Italian Observatory on Balkan issues :research and training for civil peace services / associations/ public administrations of the Italian peace movement for information needs of the humanitarian relief community, with country reports. to Conflict - training for mediation and conflict resolution independent think-thank for preventing armed conflicts. Foundation for Peace and Future Research :la TFF è un classico esempio di organizzazione impegnata nella ricerca e in iniziative concrete per la pace. <>: IUPIP - Università Internazionale delle Istituzioni dei Popoli per la Pace, Rovereto <> :United States Institute for Peace
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