A Brief Biography

Johan Galtung is founder and Director of TRANSCEND

A Peace and Development Network for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means, with more than 300 members from over 80 countries around the world and Rector of Transcend Peace University.

An experienced peace worker and Professor of Peace Studies, he is widely regarded as the founder of the academic discipline of peace research and one of the leading pioneers of peace and conflict transformation in theory and practice. He has played an active role in helping mediate and prevent violence in 45 major conflicts around the world over the past four decades, and is author of the United Nations’ first ever manual for trainers and participants on "Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The TRANSCEND Approach” (UNDP 2000). He has taught Peace Studies at the Universities of Hawai'i, Witten/Herdecke, Tromsoe, Alicante, Ritsumeikan and the European Peace University, among many others. Galtung established the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) in 1959, the Journal of Peace Research in 1964, and co-launched the Nordic Institute for Peace Research (NIFF) in 2000.

He has published more than 1000 articles covering a wide-range of fields, including peaceful conflict transformation, deep culture, peace pedogogy, reconciliation, development, peace building and empowerment, global governance, direct structural and cultural peace/violence, peace journalism, and reflections on current events, and more than 100 books translated into dozens of languages.

Prof. Galtung is a consultant to several UN agencies and a constantly traveling trainer/lecturer.

His most Recent book publications:
Transcend and Transform (Pluto Press, 2004),
Searching for Peace the Road to TRANSCEND (Pluto, 2000 & 2002),
Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. (Sage, 1996),
Collective Essays on Peace Research and Methodology (Christian Ejlers, Copenhagen)
60 Speeches on War and Peace (PRIO, 1990)].
Transcend and Transform: An Introduction to Conflict Work, London 2004.
The Way is the Goal: Gandhi Today, Ahmedabad 1992/98, 224 pp.
Global Glasnost (with Rick Vincent), New Jersey 1992, 271 pp.
Buddhism: A Quest for Unity and Peace Colombo 1993, 138 pp.
Eurotopia: Die Zukunft eines Kontinents Wien 1993, 179 pp.
Nach dem kalten Krieg: Jesus oder Barabbas Zürich 1993, 160 pp.
Human Rights In Another Key Cambridge: Polity, 1994, 184 pp.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1994; Milano: CreaCommercio 1997; Oslo: Humanist, 1997; Lisboa: Inst Piaget, 1998; Istanbul: Metis 2000.
Taiwa: Heiwaeno Sentaku (Dialogue: Choose Peace, with Daisaku Ikeda) Tokyo, Mainichi, 1995, 376 pp.; London: Pluto, 1995; Milano: Crea-Commercio 1996; Seoul: Shin Young, 1997; Bangkok: Kled Thai, 1997
Investigaciones teóricas Madrid: Tecnos; Gil Albert, 1995, 464pp.
Peace By Peaceful Means London: SAGE, 1996, 280 pp. Opladen: Leske &Burkhardt, Milano: Esperia, 2000; Seoul: 2002; Gernika: 2003.
Deep-Rooted U.S. Pathologies, Fairfax: ICAR, GMU, 1996, 52pp.
Macrohistory and Macrohistorians, with Sohail Inayatullah,
Westport CT, London, 1997: Praeger, 1997), 274 pp.
Der Preis der Modernisierung, Wien, ProMedia, 1997, 215 pp.
Conflict Transformation By Peaceful Means, Geneva: UN 1998, 37pp.
Die andere Globalisierung, Münster: Agenda Verlag, 1998, 254pp.
3R: Reconstruccion, Resolucion, Reconciliacion, Gernika, 1998
Nippon wa Kikika(Is Japan in A Crisis?, with Ikuro Anzai) Kyoto:1999 Die Zukunft der Menschenrechte, Frankfurt: CAMPUS/EXPO 2000,248pp.

Searching for Peace(with CG, K Jacobsen): London: Pluto, 2000, 2002.
Conflict Transformation By Peaceful Means, Geneva: UN 2000, 189pp.
Johan uten land (autobiography), Oslo: Ascheoug, 2000, 432pp.
Rethinking Conflict: The Cultural Approach, Strasb'g: CoE 2002 69pp.
Les mondes pour la paix, Caen: Mémorial, 2003, 44pp.
Democracy Works: People, Experts and the Future (with Håkan Wiberg, eds): FUTURES, Special Issue, March 2003, 89 pp.
Både-Og: En innföring i konfliktarbeid, Oslo: Kagge, 2003, 234pp.
En flyveappelsin forteller (with Andreas Galtung) Oslo: Kagge, 2003
Irak-krigens förste fase, Oslo: TRANSCEND, 2003, 47pp.
Ways of Thinking About Peace Creation from Conflict toReconciliation Kyoto/YWCA Ho'o pono pono group Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten, 2003, 54 pp.
Grasping Peace for the 21st Century, Johan Galtung's Theory of Peace Akifumi Fujita, ed, Kyoto: Horitsu-bunkasha 2003, 220 pp.
USA Glasnost (with Rick Vincent), New Jersey 2003, 273 pp.

He holds numerous honorary degrees and awards, including:
Right Livelihood Award (aka Alternative Nobel Peace Prize), 1987
Bajaj International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values, 1993
Norwegian Literary Prize Brage, 2000
Dr honoris causa, University of Tampere, 1975, peace studies
Dr honoris causa, University of Cluj, 1976, future studies
Dr honoris causa, Uppsala University, 1987, social sciences
Dr honoris causa, Soka University, Tokyo, 1990, peace/buddhism
Dr honoris causa, Universität Osnabrück, 1995, peace studies
Dr honoris causa, Università di Torino, 1998, sociology of law
Dr honoris causa, FernUniversität Hagen, 2000, philosophy
Dr honoris causa, Universidad de Alicante, 2002, sociology
Profesor honorario, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, 1981
Honorarprofessor, Freie Universität Berlin, 1984-1993
Honorary professor, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 1986
Honorarprofessor, Universität Witten/Herdecke, Witten, 1993