For the deployment of a european civil intervention force


Force won’t be the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
That’s the starting idea of a campaign in favour of peace in the Middle East.
Since each side condemns the other’s violence to legitimate its own, who wins eventually? This time, the emphasis has to be put on the efforts of civil societies and peace negotiators of both sides. Only this way can a just and long-lasting peace be achieved.

The objective of our campaign is to decrease the level of violence, to protect the civil populations, to create an area for mediation between the two communities and therefore to contribute to the conditions for a politcal resolution of the israeli-palestinian conflict through the deployment of a european civil intervention force.

This european civil intervention force would take into account both Israeli and Palestinian concerns in its principles and acts. This solidarity with the two communities must blacklist any form of violence and encourage dialogue, beside the work of all the peace makers who have already refused the logic of violence.
Made of non-armed volunteers, the european civil intervention force will have the mission to set of a climate of dialogue between the communities, to watch the respect of human rights and to protect the isaeli and palestinian peace organisations.

An official document will be created, asking the people to :
- Order the campaign documents and spread them in their network
- Write cards to their political representatives, government and institutions, demanding the deployment of an international civil intervention force.
- Apply for a training and a personal involvement on the ground.


Why is partnership necessary?

Because together we can provide a strong and unwavering voice for non-violence.
And because it seems urgent that all peace organizations unite on one common policy: the choice of a non-armed conflict resolution and of dialogue to achieve peace and to give the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a future other than that of violence.
We are determined to bring our support to Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations who, according to us, contribute to lay down conditions for dialogue. Together, we can prove that there is a chance of acting… and hope, whereas violence does not lead anywhere.
You too fight for peace, justice and the right to live in dignity and safety. That’s why we appeal to you now.

What kind of partnership?

The alternative we suggest can only become real if you support us. We would like this campaign to attract a great number of partners, Europeans, Palestinians, Israelis and the international community. Everyone can have a hand in it and contribute to its success.
The capitalization of knowledge, acquaintances and personal resources will have a major impact on local and international authorities, as well as the general public. We intend to launch this campaign by the beginning of next December.

You can join us by:
- Supporting our project. The name of your organization on the campaign documents will attest your belief in peace and non-violent means to reach it.
- Giving information to your networks.
- Mobilizing your networks to create a synergy between all members.
- Helping with the preparation of the campaign, by contacting other partners, personalities, and media to cover the event.


The M.A.N. (Movement for a Non-violent Alternative) is a French organization, which counts more than twenty local action groups throughout our country and a national secretariat based in Paris, whose task is to coordinate our committee’s decisions.
Founded in 1974, the movement is dedicated to promoting non-violence and providing non-violent actions for conflict resolution.
Non-violence does not simply mean a refusal to use violent means. Above all, It aims at fighting against violent actions and situations by developing other options of conflict resolution, which don’t affect the life or dignity of people.

With this end in view, the M.A.N. supports non-violent civil action in Kosovo, Guatemala or Colombia. Our movement is engaged in peace training courses, which are regularly organized in France, and we initiated a committee in 1996 to promote civil peace intervention and to raise means for a credible alternative to military action. The M.A.N. has joined various campaigns in favour of the control of weapons and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The M.A.N. also defends the cause of non-violence through peace educational programmes and the promotion of citizenship. It is understood that teaching peace to youngsters presuppose a culture based on non-violent principles and positive actions.

Once you have agreed to give us your support, we will arrange to meet you and present you the details of the campaign we are planning. Then we will discuss your participation by our side.

To join us, please contact Ariane RENDU, project manager :

Phone : 0033 (0)1 45 44 48 25 - e-mail