Dipartimento di Studi Sociali
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Corso di Laurea in “ Operatori per la Pace”
Subjects On Which I Would Like To Give Lessons
At The University Of Prishtina
by Alberto L’Abate

Prof. of “Methodology of Social Research”, and “Theory and Methods of Social Planning” at the University of Florence (Italy) - Faculty of Education, Department of Social Studies; Director of the Post-Graduate Courses in “Intercultural and Peace Education” of the Faculty of Education

(These lessons coud be directed to University students of Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Pedagogy, and to teachers of the primary and secondary schools)

1) Research as a tool for peace education
I have about 15 years of experience and experimentation in this field, with very positive results in change of attitudes and behaviour of young peoples and children: how to teach through legitimate questions, results of research done with the use of questionaires, content analysis of school compositions, experimentation of cooperative games, study and comparative analysis of cases, and use of young people’s autobiographies.

2) Assertivity as an attitude and behaviour different from “aggressivity” and from “passivity”. Methods to promote assertivity overcoming the alienation of young peoples and adults. Modern theories of the relationship between aggressivity and war, and the concept of the role of passivity for the persistance of the phenomenon of war. How to pass from alienation to action.

3) Research for Peace and for nonviolent resolution of conflicts
Distinction between research on peace and research for peace. Main results of this kind of research: efficacity of nonviolence in social change, the reciprocity principle and its implications from the point of view of politics and methodology, disequilibrates and equilibrates conflicts, and mediation and resolution of conflicts. Emphasizing the main phases of resolution of conflicts.

4) Sociological bases of nonviolence
Future studies and prospectives of increasing of armed conflits. The “amoral familism” as a basis of the increase of interethnic conflicts. The role of people who try to act as “bridges” and the difficulties of going “against the stream”. Nonviolence as a scientific and not ideological theory. The incapsulation of conflicts and nonviolence. The two forms of nonviolence: nonviolent direct action and constructive projects, which work together. Nonviolence and the future for humanity .

5) For a “new” methodology of social research
How to connect quantitative and qualitative research. The faulties methodological problems: consensus-conflict; micro-macro; quantity and quality. How to put at the center of the research the processes of construction and deconstruction of phenomenas, instead of taking them as static facts (ex. war and peace; health and mental illness, etc). Concretes exemplifications.

(Next subject could be addressed also to other professions, like social workers; social, health, urban planners and similars)

6) Social planning and welfare of citizens
Future studies and previsions of future worlds. Risks of a society, so called “free”, but controlled from the top, by few people (the so called “disciplinary society”). Concentration and deconcentration of power. Welfare state and welfare society. The role of social planning for the creation of a “better” society. Models of social planning: top-down; bottom-up, circular planning. Advantages and faults of each of these models. The importance and prerequisites of circular planning. Welfare of the citizens and the democratization of society.