Giampiero Ruani Lettera al Quotidiano Haaretz

I.S.M.N. - C.N.R.
Bologna - Italy

Dear Editor,
We have learned about the past night umpteenth raid of the Israeli army
in the village of Bil'in, in West Bank. In this raid the army tried to
arrest one of the members of the Popular Committee that hare carrying
forward a non-violent struggle against the construction of the wall in
their lands. Despite of the non-violent of their activity, many people
of the Popular Committee, in the past months, have been arrested.
Looking at the past, the "unarmed" first intifada have been suffered as
a moral defeat by Israel, in fact, for the first time the State of
Israel appeared to the rest of the world not in character of David but
of Goliath. On the other hand, the second intifada, despite Israel
suffered the dead of many people , have been considered an opportunity
to say to the world "the military occupation is to protect ourself", and
the world countries almost agree with this forgetting about the
existence of the right of a population under occupation and forgetting
the continuous violation of international laws.
With this perspective, an external observer, could deduce that the
attempt to defeat the non-violent movement to stop the construction of
the wall that separate the people from their land is, in reality, the
attempt to push again Palestinians to take arms against the occupation.
Such a solution will certainly constitute the complete defeat of the
Palestinian people but also the end of any hope for peace and justice
for Israel and the rest of the world.

Giampiero Ruani
