Cisgiordania, Scontri e Arresti a Bilin

Fermata anche l’ex vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo Luisa Morgantini

Bilin (Cisgiordania), 23 luglio 2010, Nena News – I militari israeliani che presidiano il Muro nel villaggio di Bilin, oggi hanno prima sparato lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma e poi caricato la manifestazione settimanale che da anni di svolge in questo piccolo centro divenuto il simbolo della lotta palestinese contro la barriera costruita da Israele all’interno della Cisgiordania occupata.

Diversi i contusi e gli intossicati tra i circa 300 dimostranti, a causa dei lacrimogeni, tra i quali due fotografi. Cinque gli attivisti arrestati tra i quali un britannico e un palestinese.  Fermata anche l’ex vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo Luisa Morgantini, che guidava una delegazione italiana dell’Assopace. “Sono stata fermata  per un’ora e poi rilasciata”, ha raccontato Morgantini, aggiungendo di essere rimasta intossicata perche’ avvolta dal fumo di candelotto lacrimogeno sparato dai soldati. Alla manifestazione hanno partecipato anche decine di attivisti israeliani.

Scontri tra forze di occupazione e palestinesi sono avvenuti inoltre nel vicino villaggio di Nilin, anch’esso teatro di manifestazioni settimanali contro il muro israeliano, e nei pressi di Betlemme. (red) Nena News

Dozens suffered from tear gas inhalation in Bil'ins weekly protest , former vice president of the European Parliament detained by the army and one Israeli protester arrested

Today the people of Bil'in were joined by about 100 international supporters, among them an Italian group including Lousia Morgantini, the former vice president of the European Parliament. The army fired tear gas at the protesters, and managed to grab and detain Morgantini. She was released after about half an hour, while an Israeli protester who tried to help her ended up getting arrested.


The protest started as usual after the midday prayer, and Palestinian, Israeli and International protesters went together towards the gate leading to the military post. People were dancing, singing and shouting slogans, and Argentine and others were carrying the flag of the European Union. Morgantini has been participating in a number of Bil'ins demonstrations over the last years, and is seen as great supporter of the struggle.


As people started to reach the gate, it took about ten minutes until the army started shooting tear gas. After another few minutes the army decided to storm the gate and chase the protesters. In the chaos Morgantini ended being grabbed by soldiers and separated from rest of the demonstration, that were forced back. As Morgantini was held by the military, some protesters decided to negotiate, walking up to the soldiers, who were lined up in several blocks to prevent people from coming up. One Israeli activist, Kobi Snitz was arrested while trying to speak to the army, and was then taken to a police station. Morgantini was released after about half an hour, and is in good condition.


No injuries were reported, though many people suffered from tear gas inhalation. Some stun grenades were also thrown into the field, and caused a fire. Todays protest in Bil'in proved that the army is serious about their threats of arresting protesters who are taking part in the weekly non violent demonstration, as witnessed several times the previous months.