Dichiarazioni ufficiali e non, intorno al processo di pace

"As well as being wrapped around the settlements freeze axel, we now seem to be wrapped around the 'Jewish state' axel too," said Martin Indyk, a former US assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs now at the Brookings Institution think tank. Reuters Ma’an Monday  26/09/2011

"They can decide that the world is flat, there's nothing we can do about it," said Netanyahu. "It is impossible to recognize a Palestinian state without passing through the Security Council and such a move is bound to fail."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could have read the phone book at the Congress podium and received the same standing ovation. Yoel Marcus on Haaretz 27.05.11
Starving Gaza is indefensible; dropping white phosphorous bombs is indefensible. stated Sasha Gelzin of Washington D.C. at AIPAC Gala may 24 2011
Displacing refugees is indefensible.” said Taub, 71 at AIPAC Gala may 24 2011
As a young Jewish person it is important for me to stand up today and tell Netanyahu and AIPAC that their voices do not represent me, Occupying Palestinian land is indefensible. said Ariel Vegosen, 30, from Valley Stream, New York at AIPAC Gala may 24 2011
Bombing schools is indefensible, bulldozing homes is indefensible. said Jewish American protester Rick Colbath-Hess, 53 from Cambridge, Massachusetts. at AIPAC Gala may 24 2011
About Netanyahu's rejection of the '67 borders as "indefensible", Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt says "the only defense that is possible is peace."

"Now that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proved that he rejects the peace process, there is no doubt that we shall continue with the strategic objective of turning to the United Nations in September," Senior Palestinian official Nabil Sha'ath told AFP, referring to a speech by the leader given in the Oval Office on Friday. Sunday  22/05/2011 http://www.maannews.net

"The Palestinian government will be independent and will have nothing to do with Fatah or Hamas and its plans will be based on President Abbas's plans. Netanyahu's remarks are just an excuse to avoid the truth, and to escape sitting down at the negotiating table."
Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Palestinian President
21 may 2011 http://www.ynetnews.com

"I don't think we can talk about a peace process with a man who says the 1967 lines are an illusion," Saeb Erekat, top Palestinian negotiator, said.
21 may 2011 http://www.ynetnews.com

Il Ministro degli esteri palestinese Riyad Al Malki ha dichiarato venerdì 18/2/11 che il veto alla condanna per la costruzione di nuovi insediamenti dimostra il sostegno USA alle azioni illegali di Israele, contro l'opinione di 130 stati membri delle Nazioni Unite.
Data la predisposizione di Israele per i negoziati, combinata con la disparità nel mercanteggiamento del potere, e con l’egemonia USA schierata in favore di una delle parti chi, se non un pazzo, potrebbe pensare che una pace giusta possa emergere da un tale deformato esempio di diplomazia geopolitica? by Richard Falk
But, for now, the bottom line is money. The US government dances to Israel's tune because it is afraid to risk campaign contributions from a few dozen fat cats. That is the whole story.
MJ Rosenberg is a senior foreign policy fellow at Media Matters Action Network.

Il nostro punto di vista sugli insediamenti, inclusi quelli di Gerusalemme Est, è chiaro: sono illegali rispetto al diritto internazionale e rappresentano un ostacolo alla pace"
Dichiarano i ministri degli esteri dell’Unione Europea il 13 dicembre 2010

"Settlements have never been an obstacle to making peace - not with the Egyptians, not with the Jordanians, not with even negotiating with the Palestinians for about 17 years,"
Michael Oren said on Saturday december 11

"A Palestinian state must be demilitarized, without control over its air space and electro-magnetic field, and without the power to enter into treaties or control its borders. Netanyahu concluded that he and opposition leader Tzipi Livni 'only disagree about the name,' i.e. the two-state solution."
in a cable about a meeting between Netanyahu and a Congressional Delegation in late April 2009 (http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2009/04/09TELAVIV936.html)

"I cannot accept to remain the president of an authority that doesn't exist,"
Abbas said in a television interview on Friday 3rd december 2010

“C’è una posizione ed un programma che tutte le parti palestinesi condividono. Uno stato palestinese entro i confini del 1967 con Gerusalemme come capitale. Il diritto al ritorno. Uno stato sovrano sul suo territorio e lungo i suoi confini. E senza insediamenti”
Il 14 ottobre Khaled Meshaal, capo dell’ala politica di Hamas,
ha riferito al settimanale Newsweek

"If there is no complete halt to settlements in all of the Palestinian territories including Jerusalem, we will not accept [a return to talks"
Abbas said in Cairo on Sunday 21 nov.

“Idea assurda. La formula dei Due Stati non è realizzabile,
come dimostrano diciassette anni di trattative sterili”
Dany Dayan, presidente del Consiglio degli insediamenti, ad una conferenza organizzata al Centro Peres per la pace

20 cacciabombardieri del valore di tre miliardi di dollari in cambio di 90 giorni
di insignificante moratoria alla costruzione di nuovi insediamenti illegali,
giusto il tempo per la consegna!!!
La proposta presentata dal segretario di Stato Hillary Clinton al premier israeliano Benjamin Netanhyau prevede la proroga della moratoria  - esclusa però Gerusalemme est - in cambio di forniture militari e il veto statunitense a nuove risoluzioni di condanna contro Israele all'Onu. Da notare che - secondo quanto pubblica il quotidiano israeliano Haaretz - tra le forniture belliche americane vi sarebbero anche 20 cacciabombardieri f-35 Stealth, in grado di sfuggire al rilevamento radar.

Cantor also urged the Obama administration to "make it absolutely clear that the U.S. will veto any effort by the Palestinians" to seek recognition of their state by going to the United Nations.
Cantor's office statement about meeting with Netanyahu

Hillary Clinton explained: "The President wants to see a stop to settlements. Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions… That is our position … and we intend to press that point"

Obama stated that the bond with Israel is unbreakable but he also expressed deep empathy for the Palestinians and wanted there to be no doubt that: "the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. And America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own".

Le colonie sono illegali rispetto al diritto internazionale, costituiscono un ostacolo
e minacciano di rendere la soluzione a due stati impossibile
Catherine Ashton ha dichiarato a Har Homa e Ramat

Shortly after Benjamin Netanyahu told the two Eu Foreign Ministers, the Spanish Moratinos and the French Kouchner, that he believes it is possible to reach agreement within a year, Lieberman told them that whoever says so is naive.
Haaretz report

Settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem,
is illegal under international law
Mr. Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of United Nations Organization
Immigranti russi e coloni ostacolano la pace in Medio-Oriente. Gli israeliani dovranno decidere se essere uno stato ebraico o una democrazia, non possono essere entrambi. Ma non vogliono confrontarsi con questo problema. Non solo, non vogliono confrontarsi ne con la questione della legittimità internazionale, ne con la crisi d'identità interna.
Clinton Global Initiative

I do not believe that a comprehensive agreement with the Palestinians is possible
within a year, nor even during the next generation.
Avigdor Lieberman's quoted by the country's army radio

''Ho distrutto gli Accordi di Oslo, facendo credere all'Amministrazione Clinton di aver fermato nuovi insediamenti e di lavorare per il processo di pace. In realtà facevo l'opposto e firmavo leggi per aiutare l'espansione territoriale ebraica''.
Così parlò il premier d'Israele, Benjamin Netanyahu. In un video su Canale 10.
Every day is worse than the day before. This is what we see. Israel knows that it's the stronger side, so who can force them to give us anything?
Marwan, 50, retail worker