Thursday  11/08/2011

US ready to veto recognition bid

US representative Steny Hoyer said Wednesday that the Obama administration would use its veto at the UN Security Council if Palestinians move forward with a bid for recognition in September.

Hoyer said the resolution put the US on record as being opposed to a United Nations unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood, because such a declaration was not a "positive step," the Post report said.

Marwan Barghouti warns of protests if US wields veto

Marwan Barghouti, a leading member of the dominant Fatah party convicted of organizing attacks against Israelis during the second intifada, gave an interview to MENA through his lawyer from an Israeli prison.

"Voting against the Palestinian state would be a historic, deadly mistake in the record of US President Barack Obama, in whom there was hope for change," he said of plans to ask the United Nations for recognition.

"Such a veto will be confronted by millions-strong protests throughout the Arab and Muslim world, indeed throughout the whole world," Barghouti was quoted as saying.