press release
Roma 30 July 2011

  US Senate: A Shameful Resolution Which Pretends To Sacrifice Palestinians’freedom
by Luisa Morgantini
former Viace President of  the European Parliament
spokeperson of the Italian peace Association 

The Association for Peace strongly condemns the US Senate resolution passed last  Tuesday , which threats to cut off financial aid to the Palestinian Authority if it proceeds with plans to ask the UN in September to recognise a Palestinian State along 1967 borders.
“After 45 years of Israeli occupation, ongoing violations of human rights, UN resolutions and international right, the unconditional support of US administration to the Israeli policies expressed by voting this resolution is a shame for the international community” – says Luisa Morgantini, former Vice President of the European Parliament and chairperson for the Italian Association for Peace. “Instead of cutting off the assistance to the PA, the US should focus their efforts in forcing Israel to stop the siege on Gaza,  to stop settlements construction, which are illegal under the international law, to stop the evacuation of palestinian families in east Jerusalem and to stop the harassment and arrest of all the popular nonviolent resistance against the wall and the occupation which takes place in the West Bank and Gaza.
“Whilst the PA and the Palestinian people are struggling for peace and justice, refusing the occupation and supporting the recognition of a Palestinian State at the UN, this resolution wants to intimidate the Palestinians at the expense of their national project and their unity” – continues Morgantini. “Once again this resolution and the American diplomatic campaign against the Palestinian effort are the symbol of the arrogance and hypocrisy which characterise US policies in the Middle East, supporting illiberal regimes and governments for its own interest and at the same time denying a legitimate request by the Palestinian people.”
“I am confident that the US threat to veto any such UN proposal, will not deter the PA and the Palestinian people from proceeding with asking what it is fair and just, a recognition that represents the first step towards freedom and justice.” – says Luisa Morgantini - “I also call on Italian government, on political parties, associations, organisations and trade unions to firmly support the campaign fo the recognition of a Palestinian State on 1967 borders with East Jeryusalem as their capital, at the UN next September.