The Nonviolent Resistance is winning.

After five years of popular resistance in Bil'in, through which people of Bil'in have shown an excellent example of challenge and peaceful resistance, and which confused the enemy and made him wonder what to do against this form of peaceful resistance. First violence was used, becoming more and more excessive, with severe beatings, then use of all kinds of weapons, arrests of militants, incursions and curfews at night, and finally murder.

Yet, people of Bil'in resisted, with the support of foreigners, but also Israelis, to continue the struggle for their right, with the deep belief that this wall is the wall of death.

This wall kills peace, freedom and justice. We had to resist and stand against it, not only to restore land to its owners, but because we believe in peace and in its achievement here.

There can be no just and lasting peace with the presence of walls and settlements. Hence we say that we see today Bil'in's victory; bulldozers have begun the removal of the wall, which implementation was released two years ago and a half by the Israeli Supreme Court.