Tue, 17 May 2011

Patrir is nominated for an international peace prize in recognition of 10 years of peacebuilding!

Patrir has been nominated by world vision staff for the world vision international peace prize. After careful review, it has now been selected as one of the four finalists for the prize. Friends, supporters and partners are asked to visit, register, and write a message in support of patrir’s candidature for the prize.

Find out how you can support PATRIR and celebrate its work for peacebuilding:

Go to, register, and write your message in support of PATRIR before Wednesday, June 1st. PATRIR has been selected as one of the four finalists for the World Vision International Peace Prize and the judges have asked for friends, partners and supporters to submit their recommendations on why PATRIR should receive this award and recognition for its work.

Letter from Kai Brand-Jacobsen, President, PATRIR to friends, colleagues, partners and supporters of PATRIR world-wide

About PATRIR’s Nomination for the World Vision International Peace Prize
On its 10th Anniversary and in recognition of its work the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) has been nominated by staff of World Vision for the World Vision International Peace Prize. PATRIR would like to thank World Vision for this tremendous honour!
This wonderful award is given each year to individuals and organisations making meaningful contributions for peace in their communities, countries and internationally. As many of you know, the PATRIR team is made up of a small but dedicated staff working in Romania and with partners around the world.
Perhaps the best description of PATRIR is the combination of passion and professionalism in service of a purpose: peace. Founded originally by three volunteers PATRIR has contributed over the years in conflict situations around the world. Working only upon request, PATRIR’s aim has been to promote peace by peaceful means, through supporting, encouraging and empowering organisations and individuals to work for peace in their communities, countries and internationally. While small, PATRIR’s contribution far exceeds the size of the organisation. Working across sectors – from grass roots communities to governments, UN and inter-governmental organisations – PATRIR works to deepen and grow the field of peacebuilding and to have a direct and meaningful impact on people’s lives.

Over the last decade PATRIR has developed what is widely recognized as leading international expertise. More than 3000 people from over 70 countries have taken part in PATRIR trainings. Locally, PATRIR works for the celebration of diversity, promotion of active citizenship, and to transform and transcend conflicts in Cluj and more broadly in Romania. Each year it takes aprt in organizing the campaign against violence against women, and introducing gender, human rights, development and peace education into schools. Internationally, the Institute is an ardent supporter of Nonviolent Peaceforce, the European Network of Civil Peace Services, the Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, and the Global Platform for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). PATRIR has also worked closely with dozens of organisations and thousands of practitioners and policy makers in communities and countries around the world to support and strengthen them in their peacebuilding efforts.
We would like to say thank you to all our partners who’ve been involved in this work over the years, and to express our continuing commitment and dedication to the promotion of peace, prevention of violence, and post-war recovery, reconciliation and healing. As President and a founding member of PATRIR, I would also like to express my deep thanks and admiration to all of the members, staff, volunteers, interns, friends and supporters who have helped to build PATRIR over the years, and who continue to build it every single day.  You are being the change you want to see in the world. I honour and celebrate you for it.
Many of us working in peacebuilding are inspired by the words of Margaret Mead – Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. PATRIR is a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, joined together with many millions more around the world. We are working for change, and we are honoured to be doing it together with you.
With deep appreciation,
In peace,
Kai Brand-Jacobsen
President, PATRIR
Director, Department of Peace Operations (PATRIR)
