28 April 2011

Reconciliation Now, Liberation Tomorrow
By Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi

We at the Palestine National Initiative (Al Mubadara) welcome the historic reconciliation announcement by Hamas and Fatah from Cairo.

Soon there will be elections, they say, prisoners will be released, and bridges will be built to harness this regional revolutionary wave to finally break the yoke of our 63-year old occupation.

This announcement represents the culmination of the reconciliation efforts which developed rapidly over the past weeks in response to popular grassroots demand. It is a national victory for those young people who demanded “the end of the division.” Every effort must be made to support and develop this unity and immediately begin dialogue leading towards unshakeable national reconciliation.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent statements against the national unity – which echo George W. Bush’s “you’re either with us or against us” – is evidence enough that Palestinian unity is valid. It is the best tool for dismantling the Zionist colonization of our homeland. Netanyahu is desperately trying to reinforce a neo-colonialist divide and conquer strategy, and his words blatanly prove he and his government are enemies of democracy and opposed to peace.