Leggi tutto qui: http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/03/25/syria-local-residents-used-human-shields

Syria: Local Residents Used as Human Shields

http://www.hrw.org  - March 25, 2012  - “By using civilians as human shields, the Syrian army is showing blatant disregard for their safety,” said Ole Solvang, emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Syrian army should immediately stop this abhorrent practice.”

Like most of those interviewed he asked not to use his real name for fear of reprisals. “Abdullah,” a resident of Kafr Nabl, a town in the Jabal al-Zawiya region, told Human Rights Watch. - As we were going to Friday prayer, soldiers from a base near the mosque were rounding up people. They took maybe 25 people, including me. There were also eight children, aged from 10 to 15, among us. They made us march in front and around the military vehicles to some houses where they were searching for wanted opposition activists. We marched for about 600 meters. They were insulting us the whole time. They arrested several people from the houses. Then they made us march back to their base, after which they released all of us, apart from the detained activists. The whole operation lasted for about two hours. –

human shield 13-2-2012 Video
human shield 23-2-2012 Video
human shield 28-2-2012 Video
