english version below

27 September 2000

Dichiarazione dei 99 intellettuali siriani
Traduzione dall'arabo originale di Suha Mawlawi Kayal

Democrazia e diritti umani oggi costituiscono un linguaggio umanitario comune, raccogliendo e unendo le speranze delle persone in cerca di un futuro migliore. E anche se alcuni paesi stanno usando la nostra attuale situazione in modo da far passare le loro idee politiche, idee e interessi, l'interazione tra le nazioni non deve tradursi in dominio e dettatura politica. E' stato permesso al nostro popolo in passato e lo sarà anche in futuro di essere influenzato dalle esperienze degli altri e, allo stesso tempo aggiungere il proprio contributo, sviluppando in tal modo il proprio carattere distintivo con l'apertura al mondo. Mentre la Siria entra nel 21° secolo, è un bisogno di tutti i suoi cittadini di unire le forze per affrontare le sfide poste dalla pace, dalla modernizzazione e dall'apertura al mondo esterno. E per questo, il nostro popolo è invitato come in nessun altro tempo a partecipare alla realizzazione del presente e del futuro della Siria. Da questa necessità soggettiva, e al fine di garantire la nostra unità nazionale, nella convinzione che il futuro del nostro paese non può essere dettato, essere cittadini in un sistema repubblicano in cui ognuno ha il diritto di esprimersi liberamente, noi sottoscritti, invitiamo lo Stato ad attuare le seguenti richieste:

• Fine dello stato di emergenza e della legge marziale che viene applicata in Siria dal 1963,

• Emettere un perdono pubblico a tutti i detenuti politici e a coloro che sono perseguiti per le loro idee politiche e permettere il ritorno di tutti i deportati e esiliati,

• Prevedere una norma di legge che riconosca la libertà di riunione, la libertà di stampa e libertà di espressione,

• Vita pubblica libera da leggi, vincoli e varie forme di sorveglianza imposta su di essa, permettendo ai cittadini di esprimere i loro diversi interessi in un quadro di armonia sociale e di pacifica ed economica concorrenza e consentire a tutti di partecipare allo sviluppo e alla prosperità del paese .

Nessuna riforma, sia economico, che amministrativa o giudiziario, porterà a sicurezza e stabilità, se non pienamente accompagnata e implementata fianco a fianco con le riforme politiche desiderate, perché è l'unico mezzo per aiutare la nostra società a raggiungere una spiaggia tranquilla.

27 September 2000

Statement by 99 Syrian Intellectuals

Translation from the original Arabic by Suha Mawlawi Kayal

Democracy and human rights today constitute a common humanitarian language, gathering and uniting peoples' hopes in seeking a better future. And even if some countries are using our [current] predicament in order to pass along their political views, ideas and interests, interaction among nations need not result in domination and political dictation. It was allowed for our people in the past and they will be allowed in the future to be influenced by the experiences of others and at the same time add their own input, thereby developing their own distinctiveness with openness.

As Syria enters the 21st century, it is in need for all of its citizens to join forces to face the challenges posed by peace, modernization and opening up to the outside world. And for this, our people is invited like no other time to participate in the making of Syria's present and future.

From this subjective need, and in order to secure our national unity, believing that the future of our country cannot be dictated, being citizens in a republican system where everybody has the right to express themselves freely, we, the undersigned, call upon the state to implement the following demands:

•                End the state of emergency and martial law being applied in Syria since 1963,

•                Issue a public pardon to all political detainees and those who are pursued for their political ideas and allow the return of all deportees and exiled citizens,

•                Establish a rule of law that will recognize freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of expression,

•                Free public life from the laws, constraints and various forms of surveillance imposed on it, allowing citizens to express their various interests within a framework of social harmony and peaceful [economic] competition and enable all to participate in the development and prosperity of the country.

No reforms, whether economic, administrative or judicial, will lead to security and stability if not fully accompanied by and [implemented] side by side with desired political reform because it is the only means of helping our society reach a peaceful shore.


1 Abdul Hadi Abbas (lawyer and writer)

2 Abdul Mouin al-Mallouhi (member of the Arabic Language Academy)

3 Antoine Makdassi (writer and thinker)

4 Burhan Ghalyoun (writer and thinker)

5 Sadek Jamal al-Azm (writer and thinker)

6 Michel Kilo (writer)

7 Tayeb Tizini (writer and thinker)

8 Abdul Rahman Mounif (novelist)

9 Adonis (poet)

10 Burhan Bukhari (researcher)

11 Hanna Abboud (writer)

12 Omar Amirralay(cinematographer)

13 Khaled Taja (actor)

14 Bassam Koussa (actor)

15 Nayla Atrach (theater producer)

16 Abdullah Hannah (researcher/historian)

17 Samir Saaifan (economist)

18 Faysal Darraj (researcher)

19 Haidar Haidar (novelist)

20 Nazih Abu Afsh (poet)

21 Hassan M.Youssef (novelist/journalist)

22 Ussama Muhammad (cinematographer)

23 Nabil Suleiman (novelist/critic)

24 Abdul Razzak Eid (researcher/critic)

25 Jad al-Karim Jaba'i (writer/researcher)

26 Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid (cinematographer)

27 Samir Zikra (cinematographer)

28 Ahmad M¹allah (impressionist artist)

29 Fares al-Helou (actor)

30 Hassan Abbas (researcher)

31 Hanane Kassab Hassan (university professor)

32 Mmdouh Azzam (novelist)

33 Adel Mahmoud (poet)

34 Hazem Al-Admeh (physician and university professor)

35 Burhan Buraik (lawyer)

36 Muhammad Ra¹adoun (lawyer)

37 Yasser Sari (lawyer)

38 Yussef Selman (translator)

39 Hind Midani (cinematographer)

40 Munzir Masri (poet/impressionist)

41 Ahmad Maitah (university professor)

42 Wafik Salitin (university professor)

43 Mujab al-Imam (university professor)

44 Munzir Halloum (university professor)

45 Malik Suleiman (university professor)

46 Sarab Jamal al-Attassi (researcher)

47 Toufic haroun (lawyer)

48 Issam Suleiman (physician)

49 Joseph Lahham (lawyer)

50 Attiyah Massouh (reasercher)

51 Radwan Kadamani (university professor)

52 Nizar Sabour (impressionist)

53 Chouaib Talimat (university professor)

54 Hassan Sami Younness(cinematographer/writer)

55 Waha al-Raheb (cinematographer/actress)

56 Hamid Merhei (economic consultant)

57 Rifaat al-Souyoufi (engineer)

58 Moaffak Nairabiah (writer)

59 Suhail Chbat (university professor)

60 Jamal Chedid (university professor)

61 Omar Koch (writer)

62 Raymond Butros (cinematographer)

63 Antoinette Azarieh (cinematographer)

64 Negib Nussair (critic/writer)

65 May Skaff (actress)

66 Nidal al-Debs (cinematographer)

67 Farah Jokhadar (architect)

68 Akram Khatib (poet)

69 Lokman Deirki (poet)

70 Hikmat Chatta (architect)

71 Muhammad Najati Tayyara (researcher)

72 Najmeddine al-Samman (novelist)

73 Ali al-Saleh (economist/researcher)

74 Sabah al-Hallak (researcher)

75 Nawal al-Yaziji (researcher)

76 Muhammad Karasly (cinematographer)

77 Sawssan Zakzak (researcher)

78 Chawki Baghdadi (poet)

79 Bachar Zarkan (musician)

80 Fayez Sarah (journalist)

81 Muhammad al-Fahd (journalist/poet)

82 Muhammad Berri La¹awani (theater producer)

83 Najat Amoudi (educator)

84 Adel Zakkar (physician/poet)

85 Mustafa Khodr (poet)

86 Muhammad Sayed Rassas (writer)

87 Kassem Azzawi (poet)

89 Nabil al-Yafi (researcher)

90 Tamim Menhem (lawyer)

91 Ibrahim Hakim (lawyer)

92 Anwar al-Bunni (lawyer)

93 Khalil Ma¹atouk (lawyer)

94 Ali al-Jundi (poet)

95 Ali Kanaan ( poet)

96 Muhammad Kamel al-Khatib (researcher)

97 Mamdouh Adwan (poet)

98 Muhammad Malas (cinematographer)

99 Muhammad Ali al-Atassi ( journalist)
