

New means of mass surveillance

by Anastasiia Zhukova


The Central Intelligence Agency took control of the largest retailer of "natural" food in the US - Whole Foods. And it's not just commercial profit.

On June 16, 2017 -  the largest American online retailer Amazon announced the purchase of a supermarket chain of food - Whole Foods Market. The sum of the deal is enormous - 13.7 billion dollars, taking into account the fact that Amazon itself has about 21.5 billion reserved. The deal is incredibly big. However, financial and commercial reasons are only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, much more serious forces are involved.

The official explanation for an expensive purchase is the optimization of the Whole Foods process. It means that Amazon undertakes the introduction of more modern technologies and control of distribution centers and reduction of transportation costs.

Let us recall that Amazon has long gone beyond the ordinary online store. The company has already materialized itself– firstly, in the form of a bookshop in Washington, and then - in the test supermarket Amazon Go, which does not have practically real personnel. In addition, the company has launched an online store AmazonFresh since 2007.

In fact, this means a solid offline presence in the US, Canada and the UK, particularly, in 460 supermarkets that are purchased by the company. Thus, the head of Amazon Jeff Bezos significantly strengthens its position in the market for the sale and delivery of products, and also has the opportunity to take advantage of discounts on certain products and free urgent delivery.

Amazon will exercise control over huge amounts of food, establish new relationships with all the farmers that the Whole Foods has used as suppliers. And this, as it is known, is also a huge field for manipulation and control.

Who are you, Mr. Bezos?

But all that is written above is only part of the truth. To dig deeper, let us recall the most important fact in the biography of the owner of the giant retailer.

Jeff Bezos is an American businessman, one of the richest people on the planet. In his youth he worked on Wall Street and in the banking sector, where, apparently, he had found important acquaintances. He was one of the first powerful investors of Google in the 1990s, as well as a Sodomite philanthropist. In 2012, Bezos and his wife donated  2.5 million dollars to a referendum on the approval of Sodomite marriages in Washington, which was successfully dragged. He is a member of the Bilderberg Club.

He is a man who owns not only commercial companies, but also the media. So, Bezos bought several information resources literally in bulk: the Washington Post (only this newspaper costs  250 million dollars), The Express, The Gazette Newspapers, Southern Maryland.

Bought food - left personal information.

In fact, Bezos and the CIA are links in one chain. Collecting information about Whole Foods customers will be easier for the CIA. The most significant thing is a contract of 600 million dollars, according to which the data of the cloud storage are placed at the disposal of CIA. Considering the fact that the purchased Washington Post has long been cooperating with CIA, now their alliance has only strengthened.

It is more interesting further. One of the branches of the company - the Amazon S3 server - leaked a database contained 198 million records about American voters. They were in an open and unprotected storage. The piquancy of the situation is the fact that the data was belonged to the analytical company Deep Root Analytics, representing the interests of the Republican Party.

However, in this case it is not so much about politics as about ordinary people. "It's no secret that many Whole Foods customers show their contempt to government policies in the fields of agriculture, health, medicine and the environment, and Deep State is very interested in these data for obvious reasons. Now, Deep State will be able to analyze customer data in details”, Western sources reported.

Since 1999, the CIA has had its own private company, In-Q-Tel, founded to put investment money into technical equipment kits. This is necessary to create technologies that simplify "data collection", and to serve other CIA needs.

Thus, In-Q-Tel, Bezos and Amazon are links of the same chain. A joint project on the development of quantum computer systems has given Canadian company D-Wave Systems no less than 30 million dollars. As explains, this is the joint work of Bezos Expeditions - Bezos ‘personal investment company - and In-Q-Tel. If the project succeeds, the technologies would simplify the automated collection of information and analysis. The products of Golgman Sachs and Lockheed Martin were bought from D-Wave Systems (is it coincidence?).

To sum up, Amazon, CIA, Goldman, Lockheed are a terrific combination of Deep State players.


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