degli Immolati Tibetani


Image: taken by a very courageous Tibetan and published via CTA

Tibetan monks forcibly evicted from Yachen Gar Buddhist center in Kham region, Tibet. Here forced onto buses headed to indoctrination camps.


As large numbers of Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns are being rounded up from Yachen Gar in Kham region of occupied Tibet and detained in brainwashing camps

Il Panchen Lama compie 30 anni: da 24 è scomparso

Il “numero 2” del buddismo tibetano, riconosciuto dal Dalai Lama, è stato sequestrato dalle autorità comuniste quando era soltanto un bambino. Una marcia pacifica ne chiede il rilascio, mentre i leader politici tibetani chiedono a Pechino spiegazioni e notizie sulla sua sorte.


16 febbraio 2019


March 10th is Tibetan Uprising Day


On the 10th of March 1959, after nearly a decade of repression by the occupying Chinese army, Tibetans in their thousands rose up in protest. They gathered in the streets of their capital Lhasa and surrounded the Potala Palace to protect the Dalai Lama, who they feared was in danger of assassination


The protests were followed by a brutal crackdown, both in the city and across Tibet, claiming tens of thousands of lives. The Dalai Lama was also forced to flee into exile, where he has remained ever since.


Since then, the tragedy and the defiance of the Tibetan 1959 Uprising has been marked with events around the world every March 10th.

Tibet’s Capital City Is Not Safe
Under Chinese Occupation!

Giro di vite di Pechino sui festeggiamenti per
il Capodanno tibetano


A Lhasa, discorsi pubblici di funzionari cinesi esortano i tibetani alla lealtà verso Pechino. Denunce per quanti sorpresi “a nutrire e praticare la fede religiosa in segreto”. La Cina teme rivolte: nella contea di Markham, polizia nei quartieri tibetani “per valutare l'umore della gente”; a Chamdo, vietate le visite ai monasteri; niente ferie ai tibetani nel Sichuan.