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Onu-Israele: Fine dell’Impunita’?
di Davide Tundo

Risoluzioni approvate di recente al Palazzo di Vetro condannano le politiche isaeliane di occupazione dei Territori palestinesi ma non sembrano avere alcun effetto concreto sul terreno.

"I diritti umani appartengono a ciascuno di noi senza eccezioni. Se non li conosciamo, se non pretendiamo che vengano rispettati e se non difendiamo il nostro diritto, e quello degli altri, ad esercitarli, rimarranno solo parole vuote in un documento scritto decine di anni fa" Ma le sfide sono ancora molte e l'esempio da seguire resta quello degli attivisti per i diritti umani, per Ban: "Dobbiamo farci guidare dal carattere forte e sempre attuale della dichiarazione universale e fare tutto il possibile affinché vengano accolti e riconosciuti gli ideali e le aspirazioni a favore di ogni cultura e ogni persona".

UNESCO chief regrets United States decision to withhold funding

In 1.500 cadono quotidianamente vittime della violenza armaata

Ban stresses role of NGOs in helping transitional countries build institutions

Onu, Nuovo Rapporto Condanna Blocco Gaza
di Davide Tundo
Lo Special Committee per i Territori Occupati ha reiterato che Israele mantiene lo status di potenza occupante ed é, come tale, tenuto al rispetto di precise obbligazioni di diritto internazionale e al rispetto dei diritti umani della popolazione civile sotto occupazione.

Cities on the frontline of global fight against climate change, UN officials warn

Anniversario Durban:
Non Menzionata la Palestina
di Davide Tundo

Time to turn talk into action,
Assembly chief says as general debate ends

Chávez, Evo y Obama

Assemblea Generale:
Cosa Dice il Sud del Mondo

Discorso all'Onu:
Brasile e Usa, il nuovo e il vecchio mondo
di Angela Lano

Ban urges global leaders gathered at UN to 'shape the world of tomorrow'

“We have five imperatives – five generational opportunities to shape the world of tomorrow by the decisions we make today,” the Secretary-General said, as he presented his annual report on the work of the Organization before the start of the debate.

Mr. Ban cited sustainable development; preventing and mitigating conflicts, human rights abuses and the impacts of natural disasters; building a safer and more secure world; supporting countries in transition; and working to engage the talents of women and young people.

The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. Comprising all 193 Members of the United Nations, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter. The Assembly meets in regular session intensively from September to December each year, and thereafter as required.

UN stands ready for turbulent times ahead
UN marks International Day of Peace with call to ‘make your voice heard’

On World Humanitarian Day, UN pays tribute to aid workers around globe

“From Japan to Sudan, from Pakistan to the Horn of Africa, aid workers help people who have lost their homes, loved ones and sources of income,”

The General Assembly proclaimed 19 August as World Humanitarian Day three years ago to commemorate the 2003 Canal Hotel bombing in Baghdad, which claimed the lives of 22 UN staff members, including the world body’s top envoy in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and wounded more than 150 people.

Time for killings in Syria to stop, says UN chief

Introductory Remarks On The Occasion Of The Thematic Debate On The United Nations In Global Governance
By The President of the General Assembly Joseph Deiss

Bahrain trials bear marks of ‘political persecution,’ says UN human rights office 21 giugno 2011 NEW YORK - I 192 paesi che compongono le Nazioni Unite hanno deciso di affidargli un altro mandato, dal 2012 al 2017, senza voto, semplicemente con un lungo applauso. Dopo l'acclamazione il presidente dell'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite, lo svizzero Joseph Deiss, ha preso la parola per lodare "la lealtà, la discrezione, la coscienza" di Ban Ki-moon che ha replicato "Sono fiero di tutto ciò che abbiamo fatto insieme, anche se sono consapevole delle formidabili sfide che ci attendono". Il segretario generale ha alle spalle una carriera diplomatica di ben 41 anni, di cui quindici con incarichi legati al Palazzo di Vetro.
General Assembly appoints Ban Ki-moon to second term as UN Secretary-General
Poor countries host 80 per cent of world’s refugees, UN report shows
UNESCO Director-General calls on Syrian authorities to restore internet services to citizens and cease attacks against media

Deployment Of Peacekeepers Reflects Shared Belief That People Who Have Suffered War Should Never Have To Suffer Again
On Peacekeepers’ Day, UN honours those serving and fallen heroes

On biodiversity day, UN highlights social, economic and green benefits of forests

Indigenous peoples’ forum opens at UN with call to turn rights into reality
Remarks to the opening of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Top UN humanitarian official hits out at forced displacement of Palestinians
Syria: UN official voices concern about lack of humanitarian access

UN human rights chief voices deep concern about Bahrain crack down

Press freedom more relevant than ever in digital era, UN stresses

Unicef: 'Stop assedio a Misurata. Almeno 20 bimbi morti in 20 giorni'

UN relief chief warns of dire humanitarian situation inside Misrata

Yemen: UN human rights office calls for halt to use of force against protesters

Syria's violent repression of protests risks fuelling further anger - UN official

Opening remark at press encounter after briefing Security Council
By Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki Moon al Cairo (stralci ndr)

UN human rights chief alarmed by military takeover of hospitals in Bahrain.

Ban concerned after troops from neighbouring countries enter Bahrain

Michelle Bachelet

Conferenza Mondiale delle Donne Caracas/Venezuela 4-8 marzo 2011
On 100th International Women’s Day, UN warns that discrimination still endures

The strength, industry and wisdom of women remain humanity’s greatest untapped resource. We simply cannot afford to wait another 100 years to unlock this potential. The work, however, is far from over. In these moments of historic transition in Egypt and Tunisia, it is important to ensure that women’s rights are not set aside as something to be dealt with after the ‘crucial’ reforms are won. Women’s rights should be at the top of the list of new priorities.

John Holmes

General Assembly suspends Libya from rights body; Ban says regional change must come ‘from within’

UN calls for ‘new era of social justice’ for all with basic services and decent jobs

Stop using excessive force against protesters, UN rights chief tells Bahrain
Statement by the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights Navi Pillay
on current the situation in North Africa

Warning of ‘global suicide,’ Ban calls for revolution to ensure sustainable development
Ban calls for global revolution
to ensure clean energy for all

From fighting poverty to building safer world, UN chief outlines priorities for 2011

Biodiversity Year Ends on a High Note as UN General Assembly Backs Resolution Signing into Life an 'IPCC-for Nature'